
Thursday, July 7, 2011

A field, some flowers...and my hubby!

Sometimes as I'm driving around town running errands and what not, certain places will stand out to me. Maybe they have good lighting, great architecture, pretty landscaping...or they might just have a certain "je ne sais quoi." Lately I've been drawn to a little field next to a local zoo in town. I have no idea what it is about this unassuming plot of grass and flowers, I just knew I wanted to take a few photos there. So the other day my husband and I found ourselves with a little down time, and I suggested driving down to this field so I could take some pictures of the wild flowers (they might have been weeds, but whatever, I thought they were pretty!). Little did Jason know he was about to become a male model!!! I lulled him into a false sense of security by spending a little time photographing the flowers as he sat in the shade, playing a game on his cell phone, not knowing the fate that awaited him.

After a little bit I casually asked him if he would step in front of the know, so I could practice photographing people with strong backlighting...hehheh, my plan worked!

I think he kind of enjoyed posing for me a little bit, deep deep down inside! Mostly I think he enjoys indulging me in what I'm passionate about, which is one of the many reasons he's such an amazing husband!!!

Now it's time to go on the first of two photo sessions this week, hopefully I'll have a little sneak peak up tonight. :) Ciao!


  1. I love these photos! You did a great job with the backlighting! And the bee and wildflower pics are gorgeous!!! I showed Shannon your blog and she really enjoyed it! She loves the pics!
