
Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Would-be Wedding Venue

When planning our wedding last year, Jason and I went through a lot of possible locations for our impending nuptials. One of our first ideas was to get married at the Loretto Chapel located in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. I had visited the chapel with my family a few years ago and fell in love with it's charm. They also do a lot of destination weddings and have many packages available to suit a variety of needs, which makes wedding planning from a distance VERY easy! In the end, and after MUCH consideration, we decided to get married back where I'm from in southern Louisiana surrounded by family and friends. But even though we didn't get married there, we resolved to go on a road trip to visit the Santa Fe and this beautiful church!

Right at the entrance to the chapel is what I called  "The Rosary Tree":

The inside of Loretto is modeled after a cathedral in Paris called Sainte-Chapelle:

 And the famous miraculous staircase, not the best picture (there were a ton of people vying for the spot I was in to get a shot of the staircase, I literally only had a few seconds before I was booted out, haha!)but sooooo beautiful in person:


  1. oh i WISH i could go looks beautiful!!!!

  2. @april, It is beautiful, I highly recommend visiting at least once :)

  3. Lovely church and blog! Wanted to follow you back, but your follower's gadget is missing. Will try again, later. Thanks so much for stopping by and for following!

  4. @Marguerite, I think I fixed it, the gadget should show up at the top, if it still doesn't show up let me know :) I love your blog by the way!

  5. beautiful! i think this is my favorite post so far!

  6. Great pics of the rosary tree! I don't remember seeing that when we visited!!!

