
Friday, July 29, 2011

Flowers from Jason

Hope everyone is having a very happy Friday!

This will be a very short and sweet post, I just wanted to share a few photos with all of you of flowers my husband surprised me with this past week.

 Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Birthday Getaway Part One - Wild Hearts

I mentioned before that my husband and I had a little weekend getaway to celebrate both of our birthdays (mine was Friday and his was Saturday). We both LOVE to travel so we decided to treat ourselves to a road trip to Santa Fe! We had a 10 hour drive to get there, so a loooong time for Jason to be stuck in the car with yours truly. I have a tendency to sing to all of my favorite songs, really loud, and WAY out of tune.

So after a lot of songs and much singing (and Jason wincing), we crossed into New Mexico a.k.a. Land of Enchantment. Yes!

Then we almost got into an accident.

As we're driving along, admiring the scenery, the car in front of us suddenly slammed on it's breaks and came to a dead stop. As Jason followed suit, a huge herd of wild horses was galloping across the interstate right in front of us!!! In all of the trips I've taken to the southwest I have always wanted to see a wild horse and never got the chance. Then on this trip, out of NOWHERE, there is a huge herd of them. When I least expected it. I think God knows I love surprises!

 My one wish would have been to get pictures of them from a closer view point. They are so fast that by the time we got the car pulled and I had safely scrambled across the road, I had to use the zoom lens to get any decent shots. And as you can tell they still look very far away, but I'm just thankful I had the opportunity to experience them in their natural habitat.

A very fitting birthday present indeed.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Birthdays, boxes...and shoes!!!!

Happy Thursday!!!

My husband and I celebrated both of our birthdays this weekend by going on a little getaway to Santa Fe, New Mexico! I can't wait to share some of the pictures from our road trip, but first I wanted to share a very unique birthday gift from my mom!

I've recently acquired a "thing" for vintage crate boxes. I've been seeing them pop up quite a bit on the blog-o-sphere lately, especially in DIY projects where people are mounting them on the wall and using them as shelves! I have to admit that I've become obsessed with this idea, and I've been keeping an eye out lately for a few of my own. So when Jason and I walked into the house from our long weekend to see 6 crates lined up in the living room waiting for us, I was thrilled! My mom, who just recently returned from a trip down to Austin, picked these out with the help of my sister Marisa while hitting up some antique stores in the area.

I can't wait to get these babies up on the wall! So hopefully there will be a before-and-after post in the near future! But in the mean time I couldn't help but drag the boxes outside to take a few pics. Side note- I have the coolest husband ever. In a normal household I think the sight of someone's wife dragging boxes outside at 8 o'clock at night just to take pictures of them would incite at least a little eyebrow raising. Not in this house! When he saw me taking pictures he came out to help me move the crates around. He even cleaned up an area in front of our fence so I could use it as a backdrop. Bottom-line: Jason=awesome. Duh.

Okay,so I LOVE shoes, and I just had to add a pair in this session:

So I might have a few too many pics of these heels... but deal with it peeps!

Time for some nerd talk:

These were all taken with my NEW 50mm 1.4 lens, unfortunately I didn't have it on the trip but I had a great time using it for these photos!  I had to do very little tweaking to these pics, almost nothing really. I love how it performed in such a low light situation!

I think I'm in love... :) Don't tell the hubby!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Photo Session: Sean and Ashli

 Last week I got to shoot some pictures of a couple of our friends, Sean and Ashli. They chose to do their session in the historic downtown area, which is brimming full of brick roads, old buildings, and lots and lots of character! I had a great time running around taking pictures and can't wait to go back!