
Friday, September 16, 2011

Kolby's Senior Portrait Session

Like I promised, here are some more photos that I took of Kolby this past Saturday. This was my first time doing senior photos and I learned so much! Can't wait to do another session!

 Kolby's parents also came along for his session and I got to snap a few photos of them as well, so I'll be posting those soon! Hope everyone is having a great Friday!

1 comment:

  1. OK, wow! I've done shoots with just one person before... and it's not always easy to get them to a point where they are comfortable enough with you and the camera to look... natural. You did GREAT with that! He looks so comfortable and at ease with the camera! You are my HERO!

    Also.. I love the shots where you vary your point of view... from the top, from the bottom... face-level but really low to the ground, etc!
