
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Emily's Maternity Session

Emily is one of my best friends from high school and we've known each other going on 13 years now! She is an incredibly gifted individual,  from jewelry making to fashion design and interior decorating, she can do it all and then some. While I was back home in Louisiana preparing for the wedding, Ems asked me if I would shoot her maternity photos if I had the time...and of course I jumped at the chance!

And of course I couldn't resist taking some detail shots of Emily's shoes!

Now for the kicker: Emily was just shy of being NINE months pregnant when we took these photos! Just a few short weeks later she and her husband welcomed their handsome son Andre into the world. I am so excited for them and I can't wait to meet their little boy!

I'm also very thankful Emily came and asked me to take these pictures. It gave me an opportunity to learn so much more about photography, editing, organizing and setting up a photo shoot, etc., and I made a lot of mistakes. For instance, I completely overlooked the fact Emily had padding in her shoes to protect her heels, so her inserts have been recorded for all time! Oopsy. But I had a blast taking these photos and really look forward to the next time I get the opportunity to do so!!! Thank you Ems for giving me a chance!


  1. These are such good pics Sarah! I love them!

  2. Great pictures! I'm excited to read more!

  3. Thanks guys! I've got two photo sessions coming up this week that I'm very excited about, so be expecting to see those soon! :)
